Wednesday, May 14, 2014

vocab 3

Rhythm Series paintings: Rhythm 1 - Rhythm 2 - Rhythm 3 - Rhythm 4
Rhythem-Represents the easy movement of the viewer’s eyes.

Directional movement-A principle of visual Movement in artworks.
Proportion/Scale -The scale of numbers as shapes.

 Balance-refers to the ways in which the elements (lines, shapes, colors, textures, etc.) of a piece are arranged.
 Unity in Fine Art
 Unity-Occurs when all of the elements of a piece combine to make a balanced, harmonious, complete whole.

Harmony-The principles of visual art are the rules, tools and/or guidelines that artists use to organize the elements of art in an artwork.
 Contrast-Refers to the arrangement of opposite elements in a piece of art.

 Emphasis-A principle of art which occurs any time an element of a piece is given dominance by the artist.